The curriculum at Kite Ridge School has three main areas of focus – academic, therapeutic and behavioural. Our daily activities are based around these to best support the needs of our students. Each student has individual targets which relate to their EHCP as well as the core subjects, functional and life skills. Our curriculum is flexible and adaptable to best engage the students in a positive, motivating and effective way.
The core numeracy and literacy curriculum follows nationally used schemes of work, and is delivered at individual levels. This enables the students to progress through at a pace that helps with skill and knowledge development while at the same time allowing repetition and reinforcement as it is required, with as much repetition and reinforcement as is required.
In PSHE pupils are presented with opportunities to develop their understanding, language, communication skills and strategies required to exercise personal autonomy wherever possible. We use the PSHE Associations SEND planning framework to plan tailored lessons to meet each pupils start point. The core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships Education and Living in the Wider World are taught as part of a spiral PSHE curriculum. Included in the Wider World aspect of the curriculum is work around a range of religions and cultures. Our pupils are encouraged to take part in group activities and make contributions, experience taking and sharing responsibilities as well as recognising and celebrating their achievements.
We have a termly topic which is either geography, history or science based, with which we tie in our art and food tech sessions. We also have weekly ICT, PE and drama sessions as well as music therapy from our specialist therapist. Students also work towards achieving Unit Awards from AQA across a variety of subjects including life skills, personal areas of interest and functional skills. These are both in group sessions and on an individual basis.
We try to incorporate as much community involvement and work experience as possible from early on in the school career, in readiness for transitions post 16.
The therapeutic aspect of the curriculum is based around individual needs identified in EHCPs or OT and SaLT assessments carried out in school. Students have access to both group and 1-1 sessions to incorporate these on a daily basis. This in turn can support their behaviour needs by allowing students to regulate and be in a place for learning.
Each new student brings their own way of learning, and at Kite Ridge we adapt to incorporate this as much as possible and bring fun and positivity into our learning!
If you have any questions about the bespoke curriculum that our school follows please do not hesitate to contact us on 01494 448 497 or email office@kiteridge.bucks.sch.uk