Our latest Ofsted inspection took place in November 2023 where our school was, once again, awarded a grading of ‘Good’ overall. Some of the key quotes from the report are listed below.
In the report sent to Steven Sneesby it is stated that:
"Kite Ridge is a caring school full of committed staff who provide thoughtful care for pupils."
"...staff are tuned into pupils’ emotional and physical needs to teach them self-regulation."
"Excellent communication helps to manage risks and diffuse stressful situations for pupils"
"Adults skilfully adapt experiences so pupils do not miss out on invaluable life skills."
"Leaders want the very best for pupils and prioritise pupils’ welfare and safety first.."
"Strong transition work happens to support families with the best options as pupils move into adulthood."
To access our most recent Ofsted report, and the report from the previous inspection, please click here. Our most recent report is also available for download below.
To access Ofsted Parent View as a parent of the school, please follow this link: https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk.